September 25, 2009
A Good Vintage Day + A Giveaway
I had a wonderful day yesterday. It started with a trip with Freya to the thrift store.
Freya and I both found goodies!

Camille's finds:
Vintage nightgown with cape in light
turquoise. If I were to wear this to bed Chris would laugh himself silly!

I picked this picture up for the frame but I think I leave the cardboard print in it and hang it in my sewing space until I find a project for the frame.

My favorite! Vintage patterns complete! I've made quite a few clothes from vintage patterns lately. While I was flipping through a lot of patterns Freya was behind me looking at books.
Freya's finds:
Freya asked if she could have these books. I saw the price (50 cents) and Hello Kitty (I like Hello Kitty) and said yes. Only when we got home and sat down to read them did I notice the full title and subject of the Hello Kitty Activity Books. How great is it that one of them is a Stitch and Sew Activity Book!

I know autumn if officially here when Chris starts making soup for supper.
Last night he tried a new one. Greek Lemon Chicken Soup, It was delicious and pretty.

It was such a great day yesterday that I'd like to have a giveaway.
I've been cleaning out my sewing space. It was a mess + and it is taking a lot of time to finish(there is a whole post about this project coming soon).
There are two plump piles of fabric, so two giveaways.
All fabrics are a white color. Fabrics included are; flour sack, muslin, light weight canvas, brocade and 1/3 + of vintage chenille.

If you want one of these piles of scrap fabric just leave a comment on this post. Oliver will draw two names on Sunday and I will post the giveaway recipients on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. MST.
Have a great weekend crafternooners.