Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Grandma Billie Day

August 4, 2010

Grandma Billie Day

Once a week I take my grandma to do her chores.

Oliver and Freya and Grandma have spent a great deal of time together this summer.

I am very, very grateful for that.

My grandma Billie is a tough cat.

She has helped me through difficult periods of my life with tender love and a smack on the bum to get me up and focused on what needs to be done.

Today we went to Kmart and Grandma bought Oliver and Freya school supplies.
Later when we stopped at the grocery store Grandma bought them the Kellogg's fun pack.
We never, ever buy the fun pack at our house.

My emotions were close to the surface yesterday and I called my brother crying and reminiscing about all the years Grandma and Grandpa would take Nicholas, Katie and I to buy new supplies for school.

A thirty-five year old tradition.

I tried to take some 'normal' photos of the kids with their school loot but of course Oliver and Freya had to act like hams.

Grandma thought their antics were super funny and that just got Oliver and Freya going ten fold.

I will always love the smell of new paper and pencils.

The pointy blue eraser are also a favorite.

The Bath Mat:

Rip an old towel in half.

Rip chenille strips the same length of the towel.
On one towel piece pin strips down where ever you want.

Sew strips onto towel with 1/4 inch seam.

Pin the second piece of towel to the wrong side of chenille piece and sew all four edges with a half inch seam.
Make a whole bunch!

P.S. Wonky spacing?

1 comment:

  1. Love the kids and love the bathmats!
    ps. it was so fun to chat with you Monday. I also have inherited two of your umbrellas, a felt sewing book, tiny white shoes and socks. I will bring them all over to you as soon as I burn you that extra special CD!
