November, 27, 2009
Thankful Vintage Pillowcases Give Away
I hope everyone had a wonderful, gut stuffing Thanksgiving.
Yesterday was perfect . It was a great day.
I have many, many things to be thankful for.
I try to remember them everyday.
My sweet mama and papa invited us over to feast and be thankful.
My dad cooks amazingly delicious rolls and his turkey was moist and delectable.
He put it in the oven Thursday at 12:00 am and slept on the couch so he could tend to it during the night.
It was a lovely bird.
Special photo's from my day.

My Grandma Billie Jean Dumas (my dads mom) and Oliver.
My Grandma Billie is 82 years old and very wonderful and pixie like.
Freya and I (and Oliver during the summer) get to see her once a week when I take her to do her chores.
Often we go to lunch and to movies. (I took her to see New Moon. No Comment).
Last week we watch "A Star Is Born" with Barbara Streisand and Kris
Kristopherson. (Classic).
My grandma Billie taught me to sew and has encouraged me always. She is my number one fan and I love her.
One day I will tell you all about her.

My dad, who is a wonderful artist.

My little brother (Nicholas) and my beautiful sister (in-law, Marta).

Nicholas' twin baby girls. Laney (foreground) and Tessa.

Great Grandma Billie and Tessa.

My husband and occasional blog contributor Chris and Grandma Billie.

Jack the dog doesn't dance.
Don't ask him.

Me dancing! I really do practice moves at home.
I like to think I can cut a rug.
Actually the entire family dances.
Dancing is joyful!
I am going to change the topic completely please.
When I organized my sewing space, I went through all of my unfinished projects.
Those I knew I would never finish went into a tote for later deconstruction.
Those I want to finish were put on a 'To Finish' list.

These pillowcases were a 'to finish'.
They have an overlapping back which I think is great.
I have had them cut out and ready to sew for four years.
I finished them in a half an hour.
It is an easy sew project and it would be delightful to sew a few cases up out of vintage sheets.

I have a great pillowcase tutorial planned.
Photographs and measurements included!
I will post it this week.
I would like to say that I am thankful for the new blogland friends I have made with a vintage pillowcase give away.

These beautiful, hand embroidered pillowcases were a thrift find.
I found them at the same thrift store where Napoleon Dynamite found his awesome suit.
Napoleon Dynamite is a family favorite.
It was filmed in Preston Idaho.
We travel through Preston on our way to Jackson Wyoming and Yellowstone every year.
It is a beautiful small town.
Of course, to the point.

Please leave a comment on this post if you would like to own them.
I will randomly pick and post a lucky friend on Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.

It truly is a happy time of year.
(And this is an unusually long post for me).