Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Music Tuesday
March 29, 2011 Music Tuesday In heavy rotation this week,
Top to bottom and left to right: Broken Bells Arcade Fire: Funeral Tom Waits: Blue Valentine The Dead Weathers: Sea of Cowards (Jack White's other other band). Amy Winehouse: Back to Black (I really wish Amy would get her shit together and make another album). The Beatles: Rubber Soul
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Nature Love
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Music and an Awesome Trip to the Antique Store
March 22, 2011
Music and an Awesome Trip to the Antique Store
Reading and researching your favorite albums has inspired me to keep up on my,
Tuesday: Music Post Day.
Two music posts counts for dedication, right?
In heavy rotation this week:

Left to right, top to bottom:
The Kills: Run Home Slow (Remixes')
White Lies: Ritual.
- This is my favorite album of the year (so far).
The White Lies are three English lads that make melancholy rock.
Think Joy Division, The Smiths, A-Ha, Portishead, The Cure.
Thom Yorke : The Erasure
(Radioheads frontman).
Eurythmics: Greatest Hits.
The Beatles: Abbey Road
Pulp: His and Hers.
Pulp came with the 1990's brit pop movement along with Oasis, Blur, Massive Attack, Katie Moss, Tony Blair, Princess Di's death and Portishead.
I love Jarvis Cocker. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.clean-cut.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/83_JarvisCocker_L281005.jpg&imgrefurl=http://clean-cut.org/tag/different-class/&usg=__u5zoKBf_OnL81KYqOR7UoKrgOSA=&h=184&w=300&sz=94&hl=en&start=0&sig2=sSxdTDXC2viqcuCBl5zNxg&zoom=1&tbnid=6SKVeiL0R1UY-M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=168&ei=JmuJTYL2G4v6sAODwcmYDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djarvis%2Bcocker%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26rlz%3D1I7ADSA_en%26biw%3D1419%26bih%3D735%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divnsuolfd&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=933&vpy=147&dur=118&hovh=147&hovw=240&tx=143&ty=88&oei=JmuJTYL2G4v6sAODwcmYDA&page=1&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0
I went to Sandy Antique Mall today and found a few great things!

I've been looking for a side table for Freya's new bedroom. (Coming soon).

Music and an Awesome Trip to the Antique Store
Reading and researching your favorite albums has inspired me to keep up on my,
Tuesday: Music Post Day.
Two music posts counts for dedication, right?
In heavy rotation this week:
Left to right, top to bottom:
The Kills: Run Home Slow (Remixes')
White Lies: Ritual.
- This is my favorite album of the year (so far).
The White Lies are three English lads that make melancholy rock.
Think Joy Division, The Smiths, A-Ha, Portishead, The Cure.
Thom Yorke : The Erasure
(Radioheads frontman).
Eurythmics: Greatest Hits.
The Beatles: Abbey Road
Pulp: His and Hers.
Pulp came with the 1990's brit pop movement along with Oasis, Blur, Massive Attack, Katie Moss, Tony Blair, Princess Di's death and Portishead.
I love Jarvis Cocker. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.clean-cut.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/83_JarvisCocker_L281005.jpg&imgrefurl=http://clean-cut.org/tag/different-class/&usg=__u5zoKBf_OnL81KYqOR7UoKrgOSA=&h=184&w=300&sz=94&hl=en&start=0&sig2=sSxdTDXC2viqcuCBl5zNxg&zoom=1&tbnid=6SKVeiL0R1UY-M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=168&ei=JmuJTYL2G4v6sAODwcmYDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djarvis%2Bcocker%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26rlz%3D1I7ADSA_en%26biw%3D1419%26bih%3D735%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divnsuolfd&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=933&vpy=147&dur=118&hovh=147&hovw=240&tx=143&ty=88&oei=JmuJTYL2G4v6sAODwcmYDA&page=1&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0
I went to Sandy Antique Mall today and found a few great things!
I've been looking for a side table for Freya's new bedroom. (Coming soon).
Attention to detail makes all the difference.
It was also the right colors and $45.
I rarely pass up small benches because you can use them in so many different ways.
(This one was $10).
Please share more of your favorite albums.
It was good fun for all!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
A Baby Shower
March 21, 2011
A Baby Shower
Saturday afternoon I co-hosted a shower.
(Thanks Aunt Elaine and Chelsea).
My cousin Sarah is having her first baby.

I went to Harmons for flowers Saturday morning and came home with these anemone's.
($2.50 ea.)

I quickly pushed them into pots.
There is no sun in Utah so they may be dead in a few days.

My mama.

A Baby Shower
Saturday afternoon I co-hosted a shower.
(Thanks Aunt Elaine and Chelsea).
My cousin Sarah is having her first baby.
I went to Harmons for flowers Saturday morning and came home with these anemone's.
($2.50 ea.)
I quickly pushed them into pots.
There is no sun in Utah so they may be dead in a few days.
Cucumber sandwiches
Peanut butter sandwiches
English biscuits from Pirate O's (in Draper)
Spinach salad with almonds, crasins and like raspberry vinaigrette.
Sun Chips
Tea from The English Pantry (in Sandy), with lemon, sugar and honey.
Elaine and Chelsea put together a yummy luncheon.
I had fun playing with my dishes.
A great time was had by all.
My mama.
The little girls ate a lot of biscuits.
Freya: "Mom they're cookies not biscuits."
Lots of family came together for the first time in awhile.
Love was in my home!
Cookies, chips PB&J and a tea party.
Happy Hair Cut
March 19, 2011
Happy Hair Cut
My sister Katie came over yesterday afternoon to give us all haircuts.
Kate convinced me to go dark in December and I have really not liked it.

Happy Hair Cut
My sister Katie came over yesterday afternoon to give us all haircuts.
Kate convinced me to go dark in December and I have really not liked it.
I told Katie how I wanted it cut and she went from there.
She did a bang up job!
Of course Freya is over the moon.
I saved some of him.
I may make a pillow so I can sleep with Morrissey every night.
My sweet husband on St. Paddy's Day!
Thanks to everyone who shared there favorite albums.
I love it and have a lot of new music to listen to.
Please e-mail me your addresses to oliver_freya@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
March 15, 2011

I am going to commit Tuesdays to listing five albums I really like.

Music is your only friend. - The Doors
My love of music comes from my dad.
He has requested many times for The Door's: When the Music Over, to be played at his funeral minus the line 'Cancel my subscription to the resurrection'.
I can't say how much I have enjoyed looking up and listening to your favorite albums and songs.
Music is a best friend of mine.
(Obviously I'm having spacing issues and I'm a lazy blogger and don't care to fix it).
I am going to commit Tuesdays to listing five albums I really like.
Above: from left to right and top to bottom.
U2: No Line On the Horizon
Cat Power: Jukebox
The Raconteurs: Consoler of the Lonley
Annie Lennox: Songs of Mass Destruction
Neko Case: The Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
Monday, March 14, 2011
Somethings Seem Springy
March 14, 2011
Somethings Seem Springy
Spring banners are springy.
If you would like one leave a comment on this post listing five albums you really like.
I know at least twenty people read my blog so I expect to give away twenty banners.

Bubbles are springy and we go through gallons throughout the warmer months.

Laney, she has an iron will.

Cheeky Danny.
Chris doesn't like to dig in the dirt and I love dirt.
Somethings Seem Springy
Spring banners are springy.
If you would like one leave a comment on this post listing five albums you really like.
I know at least twenty people read my blog so I expect to give away twenty banners.
It is ridiculously easy and fast.
That's why I can sew up thirty in a weekend.
Bubbles are springy and we go through gallons throughout the warmer months.
He turned 13 on March 12.
His mates from school came over for sandwiches and then we went to the Nicklecade.
I laughed all afternoon at the things young teenagers say and think about.
Like "If he teases you again "word up" all in his face"
I asked them if bullying is as predominate as the media makes it out to be and they all said no.
Also they said everybody gets made fun of, it's how you choose to react to it that matters.
Also they said everybody gets made fun of, it's how you choose to react to it that matters.
"Ya have to through back the heat dude!"
The girls love to pile on Oliver and he loves it too.
Laney, she has an iron will.
Cheeky Danny.
I'm happy he enjoys cooking.
I don't enjoy it at all.
I don't like touching food I was a waitress for a day.
You have to touch a lot of eaten food to be a waitress.
Chris doesn't like to dig in the dirt and I love dirt.
It's a good trade off.
Actually I love all physical labor.
Chris hates being sweaty and getting his hands dirty.
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