Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Excessive Randomness/Craft Sabbath
Foremost, if I put Ricky
Gervais' name in all of my blogs and blog daily telling him I'm his number one fan, will he respond?
I read his blog and know he
googles himself often.
Freya is becoming an awesome reader!
I'm so, so proud of her.
We made a deal that if she read independently three times a day (20 minutes) I would post some of her photo's.
As promised, Freya's photo's.

We had an pumpkin, food, beer and knit/crochet party on the 30th of October.
My best mate Andrea and I met in July.
We are two peas in a pod.
She rocks hard.
Her awesome, funny husband Jacob is thirteen years younger than her.
That rocks too!
I wish Chris was twenty four.
But when Oliver was born Chris would have been..... never mind.
Andrea is moving back to Germany in June next year which makes me sad.
We try to spend a lot of time together and it is nice.
Europeans make for good friends.
They don't do a bunch of glittery bullshit talk.

I made Freya be a princess for Halloween.
My mom bought her an $80, yes $80 princess dress at Disneyland.
I made her wear it.
I would not buy her a different costume.
I did let her be a vampire princess for Trick or Treats with fangs and blood and black eyes.
More of Freya's photo's.
(I like the Lego man).
I cleaned out my hall closet.
I guess I buy a lot of glue.
It's much cheaper than Modge Podge, especially at the beginning of school when glue is 25 cents.
Freya reading.
Freya reading again.
Craft Sabbath
I applied for and have been accepted to participate in the Craft Sabbath art show.
These are the photo's I sent in with my application as my products to sell.
Craft Sabbath is held the first Sunday of every month at the main Salt Lake City Library.
It will be held twice in December on the 4th and the 11th.
I will be selling on the 11th.
Please come by and buy and say hi.
If you haven't been to the SLC Library it will be a real treat all around.
I'm going to tell the prices of my stuff and please tell me honestly if you would pay for what I'm asking.
Banner's: $12
Scotties: $8
Plus choice of neck bow ribbon.
Paul's: $25
Baguette Rabbits: $35
Brooches with vintage gems and jewels: $15, others $10-7.
Also sweet friends that comment on my blog, Blogspot is informing me when I try to comment on your blogs that I am not a subscriber.
Otherwise I read and enjoy all your blogs and appreciate your comments.
If you have info on how to fix this please let me know.
P.S. I want to send a little something, something to those that commented wittily on my
MJ post. If I have mailed to you before, I have your address if not please e-mail me your address to Every good joke deserves a around of
applause or a treat in the mail.