Sewing Tips And Giveaway Winners
I decided to pick six basket winners instead of two.
Nana Go-Go
Mary Lea of Pink and Green Mama
Tonya of Plain and Joyful Living
Allison of Field Wonderful
Maple Ridge Vintage
Please e-mail me @
Whom ever e-mails me first, second, third and so on gets first pick.
Please e-mail me your address and which basket you would like. (A first and second choice).
Two baskets haven't been made yet, so you can pick the size and color if you wish.
Please choose from the baskets in the photo or specify a color and size in your e-mail.
Whew, that was a lot of instructions.
Do they make sense?
I hope you are not too overloaded with basket photo's because here is another.
Freya's 'Dorothy' basket.
The 'Dorothy' fabric is canvas and works awesomely.
I think I have mentioned that Zakka Sewing is an outstanding book.
It's my second favorite sewing book ever.
Here are a few other projects in Zakka Sewing that I am anxious to make.
Fantastic camera satchel.
I think I'll adapt and fancy-up this pin cushion and wear it as a cuff.
Freya and her cousins really need this bunny pencil case to start the new school year.
Now to my first sewing tip.
Madly organize your craft and sewing supplies and spaces.
Being organized and knowing where all your stuff is saves so, so much time.
( Beware: The 'before' photo's are disturbing and may cause anxiety and discomfort).

This is my basement sewing space and storage.
When I started my blog in August 2009 I wanted to post projects you could create from start to finish in two and a half hours.
(When Oliver and Freya go back to school, I will blog tutorials of projects you can finish in two and a half hours).
It took me six weeks to organize all my sewing and craft stuff.
It was well worth the time.
I can find what I need quickly and clean-up time is fast.

The green metal cabinet was a $10 thrift store find.

After three weeks it is slowly coming together.

I bought two metal shelves at Target for $20 each.
They are easy to find at thrift stores and inexpensive.
Most of the time you pay less for a suitcase then you would for a plastic tote of the same size.
Cereal boxes wrapped in Sunday funny papers and packing tape is a great way to mail light weight items. (Like fabric baskets).
'The Store' wall, as Chris calls it.
Old books and file folders stuffed with ephemera's to decoupage with.

In my bedroom closet I keep WIP's, ribbon and ric-rak, buttons, favorite fabrics and favorite embellishment pieces.
Everything got refolded, rewound and labeled into plastic totes and zippy bags.

Vintage patterns all in one place.

Doilies all together.
I don't have to search in 'this drawer' or 'that tote' to find exactly what I want to use.

I really like plastic totes and zippy bags.

Organized and pretty.
Their uses are endless.
Creative storage is essential when your home is as tiny as ours.
I found this chest of drawers at an antique store for $125 several years ago.
Loads of space for more stuff.
Ribbon collection.
Until I found my mini chest last week, the drawers were overstuffed with sewing machine notions.
I might sell it for $500 if someone really wants it.
At the end of the day every sewing do-dad I own has a place, including my sewing machine in the kitchen closet.
Thank you everyone who entered my basket giveaway.
I wish I could send a basket to everybody!
P.S. Sorry about the post date discrepancy.
I started writing this on Monday and it's now Wednesday.