Thursday, June 16, 2011

Roses and A Giveaway

June 16, 2011

Roses and A Giveaway

My roses are in full bloom and they are beautiful.
My most beautiful and greatest rose is my lovely Freya.
This is a self photo.

Somewhere in some book I had noted which roses were which, names, climber, mini, bush and such.
I looked in the obvious places the last two days, old note books, my rose books but I didn't find them.
The only rose I know absolutely is this Eden climbing rose.
Lots of people stop by me house and ask after it. It always flatters me.
It is a tea rose which mean its bloom resembles a teacup (flat on top, full on the bottom).

As a surprise this year a bird has sewn a wild rose into the Eden.

I don't know how but I love it!

The climbing roses outside my bedroom window.

In a corner of my garden grows a very fragrant climbing rose (I think it's called Queen Elizabeth) surrounded by three mini rose shrubs and encased in ivy.

It's very lovely.

The mini shrubs anxious to bloom.

For years I primped and pampered my roses with trimming and fertilizing and all other kinds of care.

As I did this I would always notice that the junkiest yards has the most awesome, beautiful roses.

I no longer pamper my roses and they look 100x better.

If you ask about my trimming method I will elaborate, otherwise it's more words than I would like to type tonight.

Today was another lucky day at the thrift store. I found an old white platter trimmed with fading roses.

Please enter my giveaway by leaving a comment and your blog address if you have one.

The Winner will be announced on Monday!

(Blog 2)


  1. Your roses are gorgeous! Ours are in full bloom here too. I planted a couple of Old Fashioned English Roses last year and they are already taking off. Please enter me in your giveaway! I will be hosting one on my blog too over the weekend so stay tuned!

  2. A Rose by any other name....looks truly spectacular in the Garden of Camille. Very pretty and uplifting. Beautiful rosy giveaway too - but no need to put my name in - my new kitchen is being fitted in a month and I seriously need to purge myself of the `pretties` lying around the various cupboards!Good Luck to the winner though. Freya is very good at self-portraiture!
    Have a great weekend My Friend. x
    ps Very Many Belated Gaelic Blessings to you for your recent birthday. xxx

  3. I am fairly new to growing roses as I used to live waaaay up north. I have several pink and purple floribunda and a yellow tea that my boys bought for me on Mother's Day. The house we bought came with red shrub roses and I have no idea what they are. I usually don't do much to my roses as I usually come away bleeding from the pruning. This year though, I had to prune and release some ladybugs for aphids. That's probably the most I've ever done.
    Your climbing roses are absolutely beautiful. I think I need to plant some outside my bedroom window too! What a great idea.
    I wish I could find such wonderful treasures while thrifting!

  4. You know, I was just thinking that you hadn't posted yet about them this year (your roses, i mean) and i remembered them from last year. glad to see they are blooming. and i didn't know that was where they got their name from. wow, you are crafty, witty and educational!

  5. A greenhouse planted arose in my garden a climbing light pink and it has the teeniest rose I've ever seen and I'm pretty unhappy about it it's about a half inch large so I just wondered do they get any bigger should I have it taken out for the regular size
