Friday, August 28, 2009

We met Freya's kindergarten teacher today. Freya was excited, she practically hopped her way to the school. Freya met with her teacher in her new classroom while Chris and I filled out forms in the hall. Mrs. Houmand gave Freya a mini quiz then invited us in to talk. I really like Mrs Houmand and more importantly so does Freya. Mrs Houmand told us that Freya needs to know all her letters and the sounds they make by Christmas and the best way to learn is to use flashcards. Great! Freya and I can make flash cards. So we got a deck of playing cards and found some cool scrapbook paper we liked. Then we gathered up alphabet stickers and stamps and set to work.

1. Cut the scrapbook paper to fit just inside the card.
3 1/4 by 2 1/4. Hint: If you quilt or sew you will find it goes so fast to use your mat,
ruler and rortary cutter. Use a dull fabric blade.
2: Staple the four corners of the paper just inside the card.
3. (The fun part). Decorate the card.
I drew out the big letter first in Sharpie. I set out an array of
alphabet stickers and stamps to chose from. Freya using the stamps didn't last long.
I took over that job. I love playing with stamps. It was a great interactive way to craft with
Freya. It was also a great way for Freya to learn her letters.

It was a wonderful afternoon. In two and a half hours.


  1. Thanks for posting such a great idea! I am going to do this with my preschooler next week.

  2. Fun idea for Teah and I. P.S. You smell like cheese whiz. Love your sister Katie Jean.
